Mērniecība, Zemes ierīcība, 3D lāzerskenēšana

Surveying of boundaries and boundary restoration works for Latvian State Forests

Surveying of boundaries and boundary restoration works for Latvian State Forests

  • Surveying of boundaries and boundary restoration works for Latvian State Forests | Latvijasmernieks.lv

    Surveying of boundaries and boundary restoration works for Latvian State Forests

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  • Surveying of boundaries and boundary restoration works for Latvian State Forests | Latvijasmernieks.lv

    Surveying of boundaries and boundary restoration works for Latvian State Forests

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We believe that forests are the biggest value and resource of our State immediately after Latvian population. Most probably because Latvian State forests have been our largest customer since 2008. Every year we survey, restore and erect boundaries on several thousand hectares of forests in the entire territory of Latvia.

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